Few people in Switzerland know the display industry as well as Dieter Heimgartner. More than 40 years ago, in 1980 to be exact, he co-developed STN (super-twisted nematic) technology, co-inventing the globally significant STN patent, which had a decisive impact on LCD technology then and continues to shape it today. So, when it comes to determining the direction in which the display market is heading, there are few more qualified to comment than Dieter Heimgartner – who, you’ll be interested to know, is not only the co-founder of DMB Technics but also our CEO. 

The display is the face of every application. Wherever digital communication takes place these days, there is almost always a display involved. It makes sense, therefore, that applications and displays need to be in perfect harmony and that customers increasingly require tailored solutions. We asked Dieter Heimgartner how he sees the future for displays. 

Dieter Heimgartner, how important are displays today? 
The display is becoming increasingly important for communication between humans and machines – especially when used in conjunction with cutting-edge technologies like facial recognition. I see three major trends: First, the HMI (human-machine interface) of the future will likely consist of a display, a camera and other sensors, such as LIDAR (light detection and ranging) and actuators. Second, displays are becoming more sophisticated, enabling features like 3D display or dual view. Third, integration of additional sensors is becoming more common, such as using a cover lens as an audio output medium or incorporating RFID functionality. 

What developments are you currently seeing in the display market? 
Integrating additional sensors and actuators requires a higher level of system integration. Displays now have higher resolution and greater color depth, requiring more computing power and, therefore, the integration of drive electronics and embedded boards. Software elements, too, will increasingly become part of the product scope. 

What does this mean for the industry? 
Expertise will shift from traditional specialized areas like circuitry or mechanics to the latest tools. Keywords include digitalization, software, embedded solutions and interfaces. Or, in general terms, new technologies. As a result of greater integration and system density, responsibility throughout the entire supply chain is also increasing. 

How can client-specific implementations work in this context? 
Production processes are evolving rapidly. Knowledge of the entire supply chain is essential for delivering an outstanding product. Our employees understand the latest materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes involved throughout the supply chain. They are continuously developing their skills and are open to new technologies, such as add-ons. For a custom display to succeed in the market and stand out from competitors, the individual components, processes and testing procedures must merge together seamlessly. 

What part does AI play in these solutions? 
As an example, with AI support, we can create 3D models from simple sketches for quick visualization. We also see various applications for AI in software elements, such as drivers for peripheral functions. In the medium term, Big Data, design expertise and production data will also optimize the production of custom displays. In addition, AI-supported systems like ERP applications influence the design and functionality of displays. 

How is display technology changing? 
AMOLED displays are making positive headlines, with the latest stable materials, especially for generating the blue-light component, and the introduction of AMOLED in industrial applications. FALD technology (Full Array Local Dimming) is also being further developed, offering ever better cost-benefit ratios. And although Apple has abandoned micro-LED technology, the race remains exciting, with other major market players making significant progress. 

Have you noticed changes in your customers’ requirements? 
Yes, software issues are becoming increasingly important. The keyword is: embedded systems. Graphical representation is becoming more demanding, requiring more computing power. At the same time, customers want integrated solutions from a single source. With our team, successful implementation of their project is guaranteed – from initial sketch to market launch. 

We are close to our customers, know what they need and understand their requirements. Almost as important is the fact that we are close to our production partners and understand what is achievable with specific display solutions – and how our customers can benefit most from them. 

A quick prediction to conclude: what is your “customer of the future” looking for? 
They are looking for a partner who offers them a complete solution and whom they can trust. They develop this trust when they realize that DMB understands the entire supply chain in detail – from raw materials to manufacturing processes, software development to services and logistics. We have exactly the expertise our customers need. The customer of the future also wants to be able to design things faster, more flexibly and with more freedom – keywords here are 3D printing in the automotive industry or rapid prototyping. In addition, there is increasing demand for displays with low energy consumption. But the short answer to your question is: with us, the customer can stop searching because they’ve found what they’re looking for. 

Call us or write to us. Our display experts will be happy to show you how FALD displays from DMB Technics can also perfect your specific application.

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Few people in Switzerland know the display industry as well as Dieter Heimgartner. More than 40 years ago, in 1980 to be exact, he co-developed STN (super-twisted nematic) technology, co-inventing the globally significant STN patent, which had a decisive impact on LCD technology then and continues to shape it today. So, when it comes to determining the direction in which the display market is heading, there are few more qualified to comment than Dieter Heimgartner – who, you’ll be interested to know, is not only the co-founder of DMB Technics but also our CEO. 

The display is the face of every application. Wherever digital communication takes place these days, there is almost always a display involved. It makes sense, therefore, that applications and displays need to be in perfect harmony and that customers increasingly require tailored solutions. We asked Dieter Heimgartner how he sees the future for displays. 

Dieter Heimgartner, how important are displays today? 
The display is becoming increasingly important for communication between humans and machines – especially when used in conjunction with cutting-edge technologies like facial recognition. I see three major trends: First, the HMI (human-machine interface) of the future will likely consist of a display, a camera and other sensors, such as LIDAR (light detection and ranging) and actuators. Second, displays are becoming more sophisticated, enabling features like 3D display or dual view. Third, integration of additional sensors is becoming more common, such as using a cover lens as an audio output medium or incorporating RFID functionality. 

What developments are you currently seeing in the display market? 
Integrating additional sensors and actuators requires a higher level of system integration. Displays now have higher resolution and greater color depth, requiring more computing power and, therefore, the integration of drive electronics and embedded boards. Software elements, too, will increasingly become part of the product scope. 

What does this mean for the industry? 
Expertise will shift from traditional specialized areas like circuitry or mechanics to the latest tools. Keywords include digitalization, software, embedded solutions and interfaces. Or, in general terms, new technologies. As a result of greater integration and system density, responsibility throughout the entire supply chain is also increasing. 

How can client-specific implementations work in this context? 
Production processes are evolving rapidly. Knowledge of the entire supply chain is essential for delivering an outstanding product. Our employees understand the latest materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes involved throughout the supply chain. They are continuously developing their skills and are open to new technologies, such as add-ons. For a custom display to succeed in the market and stand out from competitors, the individual components, processes and testing procedures must merge together seamlessly. 

What part does AI play in these solutions? 
As an example, with AI support, we can create 3D models from simple sketches for quick visualization. We also see various applications for AI in software elements, such as drivers for peripheral functions. In the medium term, Big Data, design expertise and production data will also optimize the production of custom displays. In addition, AI-supported systems like ERP applications influence the design and functionality of displays. 

How is display technology changing? 
AMOLED displays are making positive headlines, with the latest stable materials, especially for generating the blue-light component, and the introduction of AMOLED in industrial applications. FALD technology (Full Array Local Dimming) is also being further developed, offering ever better cost-benefit ratios. And although Apple has abandoned micro-LED technology, the race remains exciting, with other major market players making significant progress. 

Have you noticed changes in your customers’ requirements? 
Yes, software issues are becoming increasingly important. The keyword is: embedded systems. Graphical representation is becoming more demanding, requiring more computing power. At the same time, customers want integrated solutions from a single source. With our team, successful implementation of their project is guaranteed – from initial sketch to market launch. 

We are close to our customers, know what they need and understand their requirements. Almost as important is the fact that we are close to our production partners and understand what is achievable with specific display solutions – and how our customers can benefit most from them. 

A quick prediction to conclude: what is your “customer of the future” looking for? 
They are looking for a partner who offers them a complete solution and whom they can trust. They develop this trust when they realize that DMB understands the entire supply chain in detail – from raw materials to manufacturing processes, software development to services and logistics. We have exactly the expertise our customers need. The customer of the future also wants to be able to design things faster, more flexibly and with more freedom – keywords here are 3D printing in the automotive industry or rapid prototyping. In addition, there is increasing demand for displays with low energy consumption. But the short answer to your question is: with us, the customer can stop searching because they’ve found what they’re looking for. 

Call us or write to us. Our display experts will be happy to show you how FALD displays from DMB Technics can also perfect your specific application.

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